Empires And Puzzles Best Defense Team

One of the primary objectives of the game is to create the strongest team(s) of heroes possible. Each player is given a random starting hero allotment. As game play proceeds, heroes are 'leveled' or 'ascended' to become stronger.

Jul 21, 2020 The best heroes of Empires and Puzzles are those that are ranking as game-changers. Basically, if a hero is going to be ranked in the Top 10 or even as making an honorable mention, it needs to make a huge impact when it fires its special skill. To be a 'game-changer', the special skill must have a devastating effect if it is used properly. Each week a new Weekly Raid Tournament is offered as a multi-day PvP event in which players compete for the best scores and get loot based on their final tier. Each tournament comes with its own special rules. On the first day, players have 24 hours to enter the competition and set a Defense Team that can be modified as often as they like during this time window. It's called the Preparation.

As new heroes are obtained, they may be kept or 'fed' to other heroes in a process called leveling. Leveling and ascending heroes builds their power and creates an overall stronger team for attacking and defending.
Determining Hero Stats
Total hero stats (power, attack, defense, health, and special skills information) for a fully leveled and ascended hero are available for view in the summons area. Alternatively, they can be compared in the hero stat grids.

Empires And Puzzles Best Tank

An invaluable aid during a raid or battle is the ability to tap and hold on an opponent's hero or a monster to find out total hp, current hp, special ability, any buffs or debuffs currently on that hero, and when they will run out. Players can get the same information by tapping on their own heroes.

Each element has a certain effect on other colors. Hitting a weaker element will double the damage. Hitting a stronger element will provide half the damage. A tiny legend for maximum element damage is located at the upper left-hand corner of the screen during any battle.

Empires And Puzzles Best Defense Team

The Best Heroes In Empires & Puzzles (With Grades) ⚔️

Based on the chart, maximum damage to red is delivered by blue;

Empires And Puzzles Best Defense Team

Maximum damage to red is delivered by blue

  • New heroes are gained at the start of the game, by purchasing them through the summons gate, and by training new ones in training camp
  • Players can create 3 different teams and the same hero may be utilized on more than one team.
  • Common team configurations:
    • Some opt to use one team as 'storage for heroes they want to keep while they level them up before battling with them OR
    • map/raid attacks
STRATEGY TIP:More often than not, having one hero of each color is the best setup for attack teams. Many find great success having two healers and strong attackers during raids.And
  • titan battling
  • defense against raids - One team *must* be marked as defense. This is the team that defends a player's watchtower resources when a player gets raided.
STRATEGY TIP: When setting up your defense team, put your strongest player in the middle and the weakest at the edges. New players, put Bane front and center on your defense team! When raiding, the center gets hit most often and the far sides are hardest to hit. As play
proceeds and the team gets stronger, put the strongest in the middle, the heavy hitters on the sides and the weakest in the two middle slots.
The defense team does not depend on gem matches to hurt opponents, so having one hero of each color is not necessary here; having the
strongest defense team is the better strategy. Check the hero grids to make those determinations.
When utilizing two or more heroes of the same color on a team, players will notice that the gem energy gets applied to each hero of the same color in full (it is not split between them). In addition, only one of the heroes will receive the damage when hitting a character that has a 'reflect' type damage on them.

Empires And Puzzles Guide

Heroes can now be marked as 'favorites' to keep gamers from accidentally feeding them to another hero.
  • Existing heroes may be leveled or ascended to max them stronger up to their maximum player profile
  • Players should assign the strongest troop level of each color they can. This will raise the overall team strength/score. (This can be done from the edit hero menu.)

Empires And Puzzles Best 3 Star Defense Team

1. Intro and Game Play‎ > ‎Heroes‎ > ‎Hero Rankings‎ > ‎

1-Best by Color

Shows best color team for each category. Color rankings for each category were determined by a weighted scoring system (calculation metric listed below the table.) The highest ranking hero in each color is listed for each category. All are 5*. Updated as of build 1.4.
Best Overall
(Max 308)

Best Power
(Max 308)

Best Attack
(Max 308)

Best Defense
(Max 308)

Best Health
(Max 308)

The basis of these results:The sum of the numbers in the last four columns is subtracted from the number of comparing categories multiplied by (number of heroes +1). If a hero is ranked 1 in all categories, it equals the max, if a hero is ranked last in all categories, the minimum score is a 4.